quarta-feira, dezembro 23, 2009

I Believe Essay

No post anterior perguntei se achavam que eu deveria colocar uns textos e ingles. Poucas pessoas depois falaram comigo no msn que sim, elas achavam que eu deveria publicar uns textos em ingles. Participei de uma competicao para ter um texto publicado. Uma competicao entre Seniors (ultimo ano) da Hish school de toda Massashussets e o texto tinha que ser baseado em algo que acreditamos. Chamava This is what I Believe Essay, e ai esta:

I Believe...
People changes as they change where they live. When someone is from a certain place, speak a certain language and are used to a certain people, their behavior is one. When they move to another country, with another language, they change the way they act. This transition happens because of different reasons. The environment helps the way people inter act. The culture changes the way people deal with the other and a big reason for this change is the language. I am from Brazil and I have experienced this change.

The environment changes and so does peoples interaction. If the weather is cold, people tend to stay at home. If the weather is warm, people want to go out and go to outside, into opened spaces. So if you are from a warm place and you are used to go out and to be surrounded by people all the time, and you move to a cold place, you change yourself. Your actions changes and also the things you are used to do on your every-day-life changes too. You begin to stay more at home therefore to be more introspective. You changed places and you know less people. You are less confident and therefore you are colder.

The culture and the people changes. On each country people are used to certain things, to act in a certain way and we have to adapt to the culture of where we are. You have your friends, the ones you are used to talk, and to be with on the place where you are from. When you go to school, to parties, you have all those friends that are always going to your house, they know your family and they know you since when you were a kid. But then you move. You don’t know anyone on the new place therefore your are not confident to be the way you really are, to be the way you have always been. Not only because you want to identify yourself with people that surrounds you, and on this case, the new people. But also because of the language.

The language is the main reason of why people change when they move. If I am with an American here in the US I would act different then if I was with a Brazilian here in the US. If I was with a person from where I am from, I would act the same way as if I was in Brazil. In this situation the environment is different, but the culture and the language are the same. When you speak another language you transform yourself. You adapt to the places culture. You are less secure, with less vocabulary, with different people then the ones you are used to talk and therefore you express yourself in a different way. You are a different person. The language is the tool for us to communicate. Is the instrument by which we express yourself and by changing this utensil you are changing the way you express yourself, the way you communicate. You are changing the way you deal with people.

Who have lived in different countries will understand what I am saying. Those ones who haven’t might think that there is no way for one person to be another. Only with lived experience you are able to know that. After all, I don’t know for sure who I really am. If I am the one I used to be, or if I am the one I am here. If coming to a new environment, culture and language changed me forever. If I go back to Brazil now, I don’t think I would be the same person I was when I first came to US. Holding both identities made me more mature. Globalization made people grow faster. Sometimes faster then they wanted to. Ready or not, I had to be mature enough to deal with both identities and to adapt living with it.

Um comentário:

Fábio Shiraga disse...

Eu acho que você não perde a tua essencia nunca, Belle. Seja aí, aqui ou acolá. Mas o comportamento pode mesmo ser diferente e eu entendo bem o que você diz no texto.
Sabe, quando eu estava no exterior, principalmente na fase que passei no Japão, eu ouvi muito um disco do Caetano, de 1971. Me identificava pacas com o que ele cantava. Acho que o disco é todo em inglês. Procure e baixe se puder. Vale conhecer.

Beijão e feliz 2010!